Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics Software 

Nextflow Software introduces Nextflow Studio for smoothed-particle hydrodynamics. 

Nextflow Software introduces Nextflow Studio for smoothed-particle hydrodynamics. 

Nextflow Studio provides a modern interface to solve complex flow simulations. Image courtesy of Nextflow Software.

Nextflow Software of Nantes, France, introduces Nextflow Studio, an integrated simulation environment that extends the power of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with new methods borrowed from advanced astrophysics. Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) were originally developed for advance astrophysics problems; now Nextflow Software brings SPH to product design.

Nextflow Studio is an integrated software toolset that provides a modern, intuitive graphical user interface to simplify the use of its full range of CFD solvers. Studio covers pre-processing, computation and post-processing. An extensible Simulation Input Data Model allows Nextflow Studio to handle input from other solvers.  

All images courtesy of Nextflow Software.

Nextflow Software says Studio assists the user in configuring and generating valid solver input data and mesh files. From those files, Nextflow Software says simulations can be easily run on any machine including HPC clusters.

There are separate toolsets for the five primary workflows: 

  • simulation data management tools for working with simulation project data;
  • geometry import, visualization and editing based on Dassault Systèmes Spatial CGM technology; 
  • CAD meshing and mesh optimization based on DISTENE MeshGems techology; 
  • computation monitoring and management to support local and remote computation; and
  • simulation visualization post-processing tools based on Kitware VTK (visualization toolkit) technology.

Nextflow Studio supports PC x64 architecture using either Microsoft Windows 10 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. The product is now available directly from Nextflow Software.

For more information on Nextflow Studio, click here. Click here and here for additional information.

To request a free evaluation, click here.

See why DE’s Editors selected Nextflow Software as their Pick of the Week.  

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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