Aleph Objects Inc. Debuts New Hardware, Software at CES 2017

Aleph Objects Inc. is partnering with monkeyprint to develop more software for resin-based 3D printing. Image courtesy of Aleph Objects.
Latest News
January 5, 2017
At this year’s CES show in Las Vegas (Jan. 5 to 8), attendees will get the chance to see the latest and greatest in robotics, consumer devices and even 3D printing. Open-source hardware and software provider Aleph Objects Inc. is among this year’s exhibitor’s, bringing their MOARstruder into the spotlight.
The LulzBot TAZ MOARstruder Tool Head is a high output tool head with an extra-long heater block, dual print cooling fans, and a 1.2 mm diameter nozzle. This is all mounted on the modular tool head carriage, so users are a single screw and a plug away from upgrading to higher speed Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D printing.
Like all LulzBot tool heads, the MOARstruder features an open filament format, according to the company. It is also a free software and open source hardware certified product, expanding user configurations and use cases with Cura LulzBot Edition.
“Our engineers have been relying on the LulzBot TAZ MOARstruder Tool Head internally for months to make our own prototypes and jigs,” said Julie Pettit, R&D manager at Aleph Objects. “Not every print needs ultra-fine resolution. Sometimes, speed and strength matter more.”

But the new products don’t stop there—in addition to expanding its hardware, Aleph Objects has also updated its Cura software by releasing the alpha version of Cura 2. The company has spent time updating the interface, fixing bugs and growing the ecosystem. This includes partnering with Blender 3D creation suite to make 3D modeling and design more accessible while respecting user freedom. Aleph Objects has also stated that it has entered a collaboration with monkeyprint to work on software for resin-based 3D printing.
“While our company is known for hardware products like LulzBot 3D printers, Aleph Objects is both a Free Software and a Open Source Hardware company,” said Harris Kenny, president of Aleph Objects. “We are investing to improve the user’s experience with our own software and to advance the large and growing 3D modeling/design/printing ecosystem that respects user freedom.”
Below you’ll find a video on the MOARstruder.
Source: Aleph Objects Inc.
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Jess Lulka is a former associate editor for Digital Engineering. Contact her via
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