AMFG Partners with Dyndrite

AMFG’s automated workflow software has been enhanced by Dyndrite with the capability to 3D nest multiple CAD files for production.

AMFG’s automated workflow software has been enhanced by Dyndrite with the capability to 3D nest multiple CAD files for production.

AMFG has announced that Dyndrite is partnering with them to leverage their automated workflow software to enable the automated 3D nesting of CAD files, streamlining their preproduction process.

“Dyndrite’s mission is to enhance the AM ecosystem to deliver production-oriented automated workflows,” says Stephen Anderson, head of strategic relations, Dyndrite.

Its impact spans multiple industries, including aerospace, automotive, medical, energy, consumer goods and contract manufacturing.

AMFG’s automated workflow software has been enhanced by Dyndrite with the capability to 3D nest multiple CAD files for production, natively from the AMFG interface. Powered by Dyndrite, the software will now compile multitudes of files enabling us to assess the overall project size, determine the required production time and calculate the subsequent project cost with efficiency.

“We’re excited to work with AMFG, a leading innovator in MES software for manufacturing, taking advantage of Dyndrite technology has delivered new value-added automation capabilities to their solution and customer base—together, we are bringing scale to the additive manufacturing industry.” says Stephen Anderson, head of strategic relations, Dyndrite.

“As a leading automation solution, we recognize the transformative power of Dyndrite’s automated nesting and build preparation capabilities for additive manufacturing,” says Sven Hinrichs, head of technology consulting, AMFG. “The efficiency gains brought about by Dyndrite’s cutting-edge technology have revolutionized our workflow, allowing our customers to optimize material usage, reduce production time, and ultimately deliver superior results to our clients.”

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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