Amsted Automotive Accelerates CAE Reporting with VCollab Software

VCollab replaces PowerPoint reporting practices with 3D digital models. 

VCollab replaces PowerPoint reporting practices with 3D digital models. 

Visual Collaboration Technologies, Inc. (VCollab), provider of product development visual collaboration technologies, announces that Amsted Automotive is achieving measurable benefits in its implementation of VCollab software. VCollab replaces PowerPoint reporting practices with 3D digital models.

Amsted Automotive’s CAE Manager, George Coppens explains that VCollab implementation is having a measurable impact on the time and cost associated with the reporting and sharing of simulation results.

“PowerPoint report decks can exceed 100 pages and often take up to five days to create,” Coppens says. “With VCollab, all the stresses can be displayed in a single viewpoint reducing the process to just a single day in some cases. VCollab’s 3D digital reports allow us to zoom, rotate, and animate to probe multiple areas of the model; and the Hot Spot finder in VCollab quickly uncovers potential areas of concern. Understanding simulation results more completely helps accelerate product development while enhancing product quality and innovation.”

Prasad Mandava, VCollab CEO, says that organizations like Amsted Automotive are solidifying their leadership positions by continually scrutinizing and improving product development practices.

“We’re living in a 3D digital world and for manufacturers, relying on PowerPoint and other 2D-based processes is a big step backward,” Mandava says. “Forward-thinking companies like Amsted Automotive are embracing leading technologies to distance themselves from the competition and VCollab is pleased to contribute to their success.” 

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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