Latest News
December 9, 2022
The newly released Coreform Cubit 2022.11 from Coreform features a number of enhancements to core workflows, including meshing, geometry modification and import/export. Additionally, numerous customer-reported bugs were fixed. Read about the new features, and download this subscription update.
Several highlights are as follows:
Superelement Support
Coreform Cubit now allows importing element blocks of type ‘superelement’ from an exodus file. Visualization, picking and listing of superelement blocks is supported. When visualizing superelements, they appear as a collection of nodes. Coreform Cubit GUI also supports them as shown in the image below. Coreform Cubit can also export superelement blocks, writing the data just as it was imported.
Composite Surface Meshing
The trimesh scheme has been modified to better handle composite surfaces. If a composite surface has underlying geometric surface definitions, the actual surface definitions will be used by MeshGems hyperpatch meshing capability, allowing hidden curves of the composite to be ignored by the mesh.
Draw Remove Command
Coreform Cubit has had the ability to draw a portion of the model with the draw command. Geometric entities could be added to the portion that was drawn. Now geometric entities can be removed from the partially drawn model. This simplifies the commands when displaying only a portion of the model. The new draw remove command will not hide a part of the model in normal display mode. It only works when drawing a portion of the model.
New Coreform Cubit Geodynamics Case Study
Coreform Cubit is used across industries for challenging simulation problems. A newly published case study shows how Caltech used Coreform Cubit to explore the geodynamics of Saturn’s moon Enceladus to inform future planetary missions.
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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