Coreform Wins Grant to Develop Analysis for GPU

The $1.6 million grant will go toward integrating Coreform IGA with a GPU-capable finite element library. 

The $1.6 million grant will go toward integrating Coreform IGA with a GPU-capable finite element library. 

Coreform, developer of next-generation computer-aided engineering software, announces a $1.6M grant from the Department of Energy to develop their isogeometric analysis technology for use on graphics processing unit (GPU) computers.


The $1.6 million grant will go toward integrating Coreform IGA with a GPU-capable finite element library.

“This award underscores the importance of new methods for computer simulation, which plays an important role in product development but has suffered from severe bottlenecks and limitations that have blunted its impact,” notes Chief Strategy Officer Matt Sederberg. “This funding will allow us to optimize our new technology for high performance computing and continue to unleash the power of simulation across industries.”

Coreform is developing a new technology that eliminates approximations and inefficiencies but is not yet configured to run on GPU-driven high-performance computing systems. “This grant provides further support for our efforts to develop IGA for industry, and adding GPU capabilities will allow our code to handle even the most complex simulations,” says Coreform CEO Michael Scott.

With an earlier, exploratory grant, Coreform collaborated with a national laboratory to partially integrate Coreform IGA with MFEM, a DOE-developed, GPU-enabled, finite element discretization library. The proof of concept they developed was reportedly highly successful and led to the DOE’s decision to further fund the approach. When the project is completed, GPU-enabled Coreform IGA will be available for purchase at Coreform’s website.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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