Dyndrite Unveils New SMART Script

New automation standard is developed as part of the ASTM Consortium.

New automation standard is developed as part of the ASTM Consortium.

Dyndrite announces the  “Specimen Management via Automated Resource-efficient Techniques” (SMART) script for additive manufacturing (AM), a a Python script developed as part of the ASTM Consortium for Materials Data and Standardization (CMDS) initiative. This new automation script is set assist manufacturers in creating build layouts for characterization and qualification in additive manufacturing.

Powered by Dyndrite’s programmable LPBF Pro software, the SMART script automates generation of layouts that adhere to ASTM/ISO standards.

The SMART script delivers a solution that automatically generates build layouts in accordance with ASTM/ISO standards; including standardized testing coupons, labeling schemas, machine configurations, and data management protocols. Automating these tasks, manufacturers can achieve approximately 99% labor savings, eliminating human error and accelerating workflows across multiple machines and materials, Dyndrite reports.

“The ability to automatically drive 3D print build automation that adheres to ASTM/ISO Standards and CMDS best practices marks a major milestone in additive manufacturing,” says Steve Walton, head of Product at Dyndrite. “With the SMART script, we’re enabling manufacturers to easily and consistently adhere to layout standards preventing re-derivation of industry rules and objectives, reducing costs to the community, and improving confidence in public consortium products—this is how we grow the adoption of additive manufacturing.”

Targeting midsized single-laser laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) systems, the debut of this script optimizes build layouts codifying part placement rules developed by CMDS. Subsequent iterations of the SMART script will broaden machine selection to include large-format, multi-laser machines, and other powder bed AM processes such as binder jetting. It implements the ASTM labeling schema ensuring all specimens are labeled appropriately and generates standardized reports.

Dyndrite LPBF Pro is a software solution designed to optimize AM processes with automation and control. Built for LPBF, it enables engineers to create scriptable CAD-to-Print automations, conduct complex materials and process development studies, streamline qualification and calibration workflows, and transition from development to full-scale production.

“Standards are the backbone of any emerging industry, and in additive manufacturing, they are critical for ensuring quality, safety, and consistency across every step of the process,” says Richard Huff, director, Industry Consortium and Partnerships, Global Advanced Manufacturing Division at ASTM International. “By establishing clear guidelines for generating and managing high-pedigree material datasets, CMDS aims to establish the foundations for manufacturers to innovate faster and create a pathway for industries—especially those that are heavily regulated like aerospace and medical—to adopt new technologies with confidence in a faster and less costly manner.”

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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