Editor’s Pick: Analyze models for 3D printing suitability

Protolabs Instant Manufacturability Analysis online service simplifies parts design process for 3D printing.

Protolabs Instant Manufacturability Analysis online service simplifies parts design process for 3D printing.

Protolabs’ new online module analyzes models for 3D printing manufacturability, helping optimize designs before printing. Image courtesy of Protolabs.

Protolabs introduces Instant Manufacturability Analysis as a new feature in its online costing service. The company says the new feature simplifies the process of designing parts for 3D printing. The software provides real-time feedback about a 3D model’s manufacturability, making it easier to optimize a design before printing.

Protolabs says the software identifies potential issues that can affect printability, such as wall thickness, feature size and geometry.

The online service provides a detailed report with a score for each part submitted, indicating how well it meets 3D printing design guidelines. The report also includes suggestions for improving the design.

Protolabs says the software identifies potential issues that can affect printability. Image courtesy of Protolabs.

Protolabs says when users receive a quote, the analysis highlights potential manufacturability advisories concerning thin walls, small gaps and parts that exceed maximum size restrictions.

Protolabs says its instant manufacturability analysis works with the major 3D printing technologies, including stereolithography, selective laser sintering and direct metal laser sintering. The intended users of the service include aerospace, automotive and medical product teams.

The service is available directly at the Protolabs website and through its affiliate service bureaus at Hubs.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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