Editor’s Pick: Debuting a CFD solver for incompressible flows

There are a variety of updates to existing modules in the rest of the OMNIS platform.

There are a variety of updates to existing modules in the rest of the OMNIS platform.

The modular Numeca OMNIS CFD platform offers various solutions for common computational flow dynamics problems. Image courtesy of Numeca International.

Numeca International introduces OMNIS Release Candidate 4.2, the new update to the modular computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solution. This update features the first release of Open-PBS, a new solver for low-speed and incompressible flows.

Open-PBS is the result of an exclusive joint venture between Numeca and coupledNumerics. The companies claim the new solver “widens the range of applications with fast and robust convergence.” Open-PBS offers simultaneous solution of momentum and continuity equations, with an implicit block coupling of pressure and velocity variables. Numeca says this leads to faster convergence compared to classical loosely coupled, segregated pressure-based solvers. Open-PBS allows the use of specific solving times or relaxation for solid domains, which the company says offers “improved acceleration of the convergence for applications involving conjugate heat transfer.”

Applications recommended for Open-PBS include heat exchangers, automotive thermal management, cooling systems and low-speed rotating machinery.

There are a variety of fixes and updates to existing modules in the rest of the OMNIS platform: 

  • Blade section reference and blade geometry checks have been updated in OMNIS/AutoGrid.  
  • Viscous layer extrusion in OMNIS/Hexpress is faster.
  • Improve Projection option is faster in OMNIS/Hexpress.
  • Colormaps in standard XML format can be imported and customized for use in OMNIS/Post.
  • There are increased options for the creation and use of images and animations directly from the OMNIS user interface.

Numeca OMNIS Release Candidate 4.2 is now available to customers directly from Numeca International. Learn more about OMNIS Release Candidate 4.2.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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