Editor’s Pick: High-Speed Extrusion on Demand

The company has launched Essentium Parts On Demand (EPOD), a service bureau solution.

The company has launched Essentium Parts On Demand (EPOD), a service bureau solution.

The Essentium HSE 240HT is the basis of the company’s service bureau platforms for high speed fused filament fabrication printers. Image courtesy of Essentium.

Essentium has launched Essentium Parts On Demand (EPOD), a service bureau solution for use of the company’s high-speed approach to what it calls “polymer to print,” using carbon nanotube-infused materials.

Instead of setting up its own service bureau operation, Essentium is in partnership with nine existing additive manufacturing service bureaus across the United States. All will have access to Essentium consulting engineers as they offer the services of the Essentium High Speed Extrusion (HSE) platform.

The company cites economic uncertainty as the reason for getting into a service bureau operation. “Manufacturers have been forced to delay capital expenditures” for new 3D printers, notes Joe Anguiano, EPOD sales director. “EPOD services will allow manufacturers to use the HSE platform—including high-performance materials—to produce parts at the right economics without capital investment.” 

Essentium has a line of printers using the company’s FlashFuse technology, which it claims is 10 times faster than conventional Fused Filament Fabrication printers. The systems can use the company’s line of Ultrafuse materials, which contain embedded carbon nanotubes. Noted materials maker BASF is Essentium’s primary materials provider.

Nine service bureaus now offer Essentium services; the company expects to have six more in operation in the coming months.

Existing users of Essentium’s printers and materials for final parts production includes Keselowski Advanced Manufacturing, VirTex, Axle Box Innovations and the U.S. Air Force.

For service bureau locations and specific services, contact Essentium directly.  

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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