Editor’s Pick: Improvements for automated CFD workflows and design optimization

Flow Science’s FLOW-3D (x) 2022R1 offers users a platform to arrive at “the best design solutions."

Flow Science’s FLOW-3D (x) 2022R1 offers users a platform to arrive at “the best design solutions.

FLOW-3D (x) allows engineers to set up flow studies and compare possible outcomes. Image courtesy of Flow Science.

Flow Science Inc. has released FLOW-3D (x) 2022R1, an update to its workflow and optimization software for the FLOW-3D family of computational fluid dynamics software. The company says FLOW-3D (x) offers users a platform to arrive at “the best design solutions” and achieve certainty while reducing modeling complexity and analysis time.

According to Flow Science, the primary objectives for this update center around performance and user experience. Specific new features include remote execution, the ability to run simulations in parallel and fully integrated batch processing.

FLOW-3D (x) offers core functionality and connectivity to the entire FLOW-3D product family. Workflow automation is achieved using various optimization options including distributed solving, parameter sensitivity studies, simulation calibration, various CAD and Microsoft Excel plug-ins, and Python interoperability.

The company states that FLOW-3D (x) is designed to allow users to “graphically and intuitively” build automation and optimization workflows. Supported CAD programs are McNeel and Associates Rhino; PTC Creo; Ansys SpaceClaim; Dassault Systemès CATIA and SolidWorks; and Autodesk Inventor. FLOW-3D (x) dynamically feeds data from the CAD model into the simulation.


Workflow automation is achieved using various optimization options. Image courtesy of Flow Science.

For more information about FLOW-3D (x) 2022R1 and the entire line of FLOW-3D products, click here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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