Editor’s Pick: Nextech AR Toggle3D Update 

This online 3D configurator is easy to use by people with no prior CAD experience, according to the company.

This online 3D configurator is easy to use by people with no prior CAD experience, according to the company.

Toggle3D uses artificial intelligence to simplify the creation and use of physics based rendering (PBR) for product configuration and model prototyping. Image courtesy of Nextech AR.

Nextech AR unveils a significant update to Toggle3D, the company’s online 3D configurator. The company says the software offers a 3D design studio in the browser. The software can be used to create and texture 3D models, to build product configurators for e-commerce and to prototype designs.

Toggle3D is easy to use by people with no prior CAD experience, according to the company. The browser-based utility accepts 3D models in the following formats: STEP, STP, OBJ, FBX, DAE and GLB.

Various templates help users get started with a variety of materials, colors and texture options. New to Toggle3D is an artificial intelligence-based technology for physics-based rendering (PBR) for photorealistic materials. In the Pro version, a template contains three AI-powered methods for creating PBRs: 

  • Create a uniform color material from scratch
  • Create a 3D material from a texture swatch 
  • Create a material by cropping a product reference photo.

Nextech AR says a practical example of this new capability would be configuring a tabletop finish that is not similar looking but an exact digital twin.

There are updates in the CAD conversion technology, which the company says gives manufacturers greater control of product design and modeling, simplifying configuration and design for users without CAD experience.

Nextech AR also says the Toggle3D user interface has been redesigned to improve platform functionality.

Various templates help users get started with a variety of materials, colors and texture options. Image courtesy of Nextech.

In addition to announcing the technology update, Nextech AR says it will spin off Toggle3D as a separate company via initial public offering.

Toggle3D is available as a free product or as a Pro plan. For a limited time, a 30-day free trial of the Pro Plan is available here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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