Leadership Profile: TotalCAE’s Rodney Mach on How Shorter Time to Market Accelerates Simulation Adoption
Pressure to bring products to market fast makes manufacturers adopt HPC-powered simulation
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Leadership Profile: TotalCAE’s Rodney Mach on How Shorter Time to Market Accelerates Simulation Adoption Duration
8:47 hrs/min/sec
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January 11, 2023
In this episode of Leadership Profile, a sponsored podcast series, TotalCAE's President Rodney Mach discusses the transformation of CAE over time and offers his toughts on the ongoing debate: on-premise vs. cloud HPC.
“Products have to come out so quickly that physical testing is now seen as is a barrier,” Mach observed. This had led to the adoption of HPC-driven simulaton. However, the solution comes with its own set of challenges.
“HPC hasn't gotten any simpler. It isn't like buying an iPhone ... Cloud systems are even more complex than on-premise systems,” he noted. TotalCAE offers what it calls “managed HPC”—HPC capacity augmented with services. “We provide all the hardware, all the IT team. We are your one-hour help desk, with people that know the apps and all the software,” Mach added.
On choosing on-premise HPC vs. cloud HPC, Mach said, “If you do a lot of day-to-day simulation work, on premise is definitely difficult to beat on price. Many customers do both. They do steady state day-to-day simulation on premise, then they use the cloud for overflow, burst work.”
For the full interview, listen to the complete podcast.
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Kenneth Wong is Digital Engineering’s resident blogger and senior editor. Email him at kennethwong@digitaleng.news or share your thoughts on this article at digitaleng.news/facebook.
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