ModuleWorks Unveils 2019.12 CAD/CAM Components

This is the third major release of 2019 and is available now for download from the ModuleWorks website.

This is the third major release of 2019 and is available now for download from the ModuleWorks website.

ModuleWorks has released its 2019.12 CAD/CAM software components. This is the third major release of 2019 and is available now for download from the ModuleWorks website.

ModuleWorks is focused on multi-axis machining and simulation technology, providing toolpath and simulation technology that powers many of the leading CAM systems, the company reports.

Image courtesy of ModuleWorks.

This latest release contains new performance-optimizing cycles for five- and three-axis machining as well as enhanced visual accuracy and sharper imaging for the Cutting and Adding Material Simulator.

5-Axis Machining

Two new finishing cycles have been added to the multiaxis machining toolpath generator: one for wall finishing and one for floor finishing. Both cycles support barrel tools and offer all the process-optimizing features of the original roughing strategy, such as easy part selection, automatic collision checking between the tool and the part and automatic collision-free linking.

3-Axis Machining

With the HSM toolpath generator, operators can now machine steep and shallow areas in a single cycle. This accelerates CAM programming by eliminating repetitive steps and means that programmers only need to set up a single machining operation. The cycle consists of constant Z for steep areas and two options for shallows areas, either constant cusp or parallel cuts.

Cutting and Adding Material Simulator

New algorithmic enhancements improve the visual accuracy of the simulation to deliver a sharper and more realistic simulation for spherical tools such as ball mill and bull mill tools. The resulting simulated part now has crisp corners and very smooth curves that accurately reflect the real shape of the tool without any noticeable segmentation or fragmentation, the company reports.

For more details about the ModuleWorks 2019.12 release, see the latest ModuleWorks YouTube videos.

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