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Noise & Vibration Seminar Heads to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

This seminar, Noise & Vibration Quality Inspection Test, provides a basic understanding of sound and vibration principles along with a practical understanding of end-of-line quality inspection systems.

This seminar, Noise & Vibration Quality Inspection Test, provides a basic understanding of sound and vibration principles along with a practical understanding of end-of-line quality inspection systems.

Signalysis, Inc., a provider of end-of-production quality inspection test systems, together with North Central Manufacturing Solutions, announce a free 1-day seminar to be held on April 28 in Lake Geneva, WI.

This seminar, Noise & Vibration Quality Inspection Test, provides a basic understanding of sound and vibration principles along with a practical understanding of end-of-line quality inspection systems. This seminar was created for engineering managers, engineers, technicians and those responsible for product quality within their respective organizations. The seminar runs from 9:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

Attendees will also receive an introduction to Signalysis quality inspection software, SigQC, and are invited to bring functioning parts (good and bad) for discussion following the seminar.

About Signalysis

Founded in 1987, Signalysis, Inc. is headquartered in Cincinnati, OH, and maintains offices and representation in North America and Asia.  Solutions range from turnkey quality control systems to highly technical consulting services. Drawing from the individual and collective expertise of electrical and mechanical engineers, physicists, mathematicians and solid programmers, the company is a provider of testing software, systems, and services to the engineering, scientific, industrial and environmental communities.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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