RIZE Ships the RIZE 7XC 3D Printer

With a build size of up to 370x390x450 mm, the RIZE 7XC was developed jointly with Sindoh Co, Ltd. to leverage Sindoh’s 7X large-format dual-nozzle 3D printing platform and supported materials.

With a build size of up to 370x390x450 mm, the RIZE 7XC was developed jointly with Sindoh Co, Ltd. to leverage Sindoh’s 7X large-format dual-nozzle 3D printing platform and supported materials.

Image courtesy of RIZE.

RIZE, Inc., an additive manufacturing 2.0 company, has shipped the RIZE 7XC large-format 3D printer. When massive part size and industrial strength and other properties are needed for printing parts, jigs, tooling and fixtures, the RIZE 7XC helps manufacturers assure they have agile supply chains, the company says. It is available immediately starting at USD$19,995.

With a build size of up to 370x390x450 mm, the RIZE 7XC was developed jointly with Sindoh Co, Ltd. to leverage Sindoh’s 7X large-format dual-nozzle 3D printing platform and supported materials, along with RIZE’s RIZIUM composite materials including RIZIUM Glass Fiber and RIZIUM Carbon Fiber. By enabling the rapid creation of large parts and complex geometries on demand, far faster and at lower cost than molding, milling and casting, the RIZE 7XC provides teams with an affordable way to generate parts with high tensile strength and thermal dimensional stability, along with chemical and moisture resistance.

As the fourth member of RIZE’s family of safe, affordable 3D printers, the RIZE 7XC was developed with RIZE’s health and safety commitment, for printing anywhere without ventilation, yet with a Z-resolution of 50 microns that enables geometries and surface finishes. Its composite-enhanced dual extruders enable a Z-resolution of 50 microns suitable for demanding geometries and a surface finish. Features such as active auto-leveling and internal insulation help assure mechanical properties, while RIZE’s commitment to sustainability means minimal post-processing, with supports that peel away quickly and easily without chemicals or tools.

The RIZE 7XC is the second deliverable of the RIZIUM Alliance, where other 3D printing industry partners can implement safer, sustainable, recyclable 3D printing on various platforms, such as the RIZE 7XC and the smaller format, color-compatible RIZE 2XC.

“Sindoh is delighted to partner with RIZE to apply the company’s innovative materials and technologies to our proven 7X large-format 3D printing platform,” says Osung Kwon, COO of Sindoh Co., Ltd. “Organizations are ready to apply additive manufacturing techniques when small runs require strong, highly durable parts. Thanks to our cooperative R&D efforts, the new RIZE 7XC makes large-scale additive manufacturing even simpler, more sustainable and cost-effective.”

“The RIZE 7XC makes additive manufacturing capability rugged enough for industrial 3D printing needs, yet safe and affordable, too,” says Andy Kalambi, CEO of RIZE. “Finally manufacturers can apply the promise of additive manufacturing to creating agile and distributed supply chains where the ability to generate a needed part, tool, jig or fixture takes a fraction of the time of traditional processes.”

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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