Sculpteo Shutters 3D Printing Marketplace After 10-plus Years

The platform allowed designers and creatives to offer their model files for sale.

The platform allowed designers and creatives to offer their model files for sale.

French company Sculpteo plans to discontinue its online marketplace for 3D printed models on November 4, 2023. The platform allowed designers and creatives to offer their model files for sale.

According to Sculpteo, in an email to users, the marketplace was a “vibrant community for the 3D printing industry” for over a decade. Now, however, it will be closed to focus on its core business. The platform now belongs to BASF and 3D printing services are offered.

According to Sculpteo, previously uploaded designs will remain available in user libraries and can still be managed. The company says it regrets the disruption to designers who had set up their own stores or prices.

For users with open questions, Sculpteo is making its support team available. With the move, the 3D printing service provider says it is focusing on its main business.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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