Update for KISTERS 3DViewStation Released

There is the speed and precision with the new JT Importer.

JT is fast, requires less storage space, and allows for operation without performance loss.

The new JT importer in KISTERS’ 3DViewStation offers multithreading and optimal core performance. Image courtesy of Kisters.

KISTERS 3DViewStation has a new JT importer. In the environment of product development and manufacturing, where speed, precision and the protection of intellectual property are needed, this new feature provides a solution for handling JT data.

JT (Jupiter Tessellation) is recognized globally as an ISO standard (ISO 14306). Thanks to its compact, lightweight structure and support for PMI (Product Manufacturing Information), it is becoming standard. Compared to native CAD formats, JT offers advantages.

JT is fast, requires less storage space, and allows for operation without performance loss. Whether in the automotive industry, where JT data facilitates collaboration between design, development and production departments as well as external suppliers, or in aerospace, where the format supports the integration of complex CAD data into production chains—JT has become needed across various fields. It also plays a role in mechanical engineering, particularly in the validation of prototypes, assembly planning and digital mock-up reviews.

The new JT importer in KISTERS’ 3DViewStation addresses these needs with multithreading and optimal core performance, it loads even complex models with all PMI and geometry data in record time.

“Users can now be confident that they are making precise and reliable decisions based on fully loaded data, and at a speed unmatched by any other viewer on the market,” says Craig Impastato, U.S. sales director. Automatic reorientation of the PMI ensures that it is readable from the current camera perspective. The background colors of JT files are also nearly or exactly retained, supporting realistic representation. The “Intelligent Fit” feature automatically adjusts the view.

In addition to JT, the 3DViewStation continues to support a range of standard formats such as STEP, which is primarily used for exchanging data between different CAD systems.

KISTERS 3DViewStation is enhanced in response to customer needs and requirements. It is available as a Desktop, HTML5 WebViewer and VR Edition product versions plus the online collaboration tool VisShare. All product offerings can be integrated with a product lifecycle management, enterprise resouce planning or other leading management system, as well as service and spare part applications. KISTERS 3DViewStation provides all necessary APIs for your development team.

For cloud, portal and web solutions, there is a HTML5-based WebViewer solution available, which does not require client installation. All file formats can be used in combination with the intelligent navigation and hyperlinking features to address the needs of complex integration scenarios.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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