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2021 State of Cloud HPC Report

Insights, statistics, and sentiments from leading high performance computing practitioners.

Rescale has the privilege of partnering with many of the companies driving cloud transformation for high performance computing (HPC). A decade ago when “cloud” mosty meant mobile apps, social media, and big data, we envisioned a world where scientists and engineers are fully empowered to tackle humanity’s biggest challenges. Today, cloud HPC is a mainstream reality.

Rescale's role as an intelligent cloud automation platform means we have a unique vantage point of how R&D-driven organizations are adopting cloud. This inaugural report includes insights from over 300 organizations, running 680+ applications, on each of the major cloud providers. Additionally, the report incorporates survey responses and analytics from leading HPC practitioners as well as inputs from supercomputing hardware and software partners.

A few patterns are clear. First, a cambrian explosion is under way for cloud specialized hardware architectures. Second, multi-cloud is an operational reality for half of organizations. Lastly, R&D technology leaders are looking to automation to deliver more holistic digital R&D solutions to get the most out of cloud HPC.

Cloud is enabling digital transformation to finally come to R&D, where researchers not only have access to computing capacity and specialized architectures, but also to workflow automation, data sharing, and collaboration. Rescale is in service to our scientists and engineers, and they deserve the best we can provide.

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