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Mastering 3D Modeling

Field-Proven CAD Techniques to Help You Tackle Any Design Challenge.

Why Are Some CAD Users Better Than Others?

In every company, there is always at least one or two power users who seem to know everything about CAD. Were they born with a special CAD gene? Are they just more talented than the rest of us? No, for the most part, CAD is a learned skill. Your office expert has “been there” and “done that” and learned the hard way – by failing. Through experience and practice, he or she has learned the pitfalls of parametric modeling and how to avoid them.

This eBook aims to dispel the myth that 3D CAD is hard. It’s not.

Modeling in 3D is really not that difficult if you just follow a simple set of rules.

No matter which 3D CAD system you use, the more effort you put in, the more you will get out of it. Lots of detail means lots of CAD features which means lots of time spent modeling. But does it have to be this way?

This eBook will focus on methods you can employ to get the most out of your CAD system with the least amount of effort. We’ll explore ways you can plan your models ahead of time, tips to create robust models that are easy to modify, and lastly, how moving your modeling to the cloud will help you get your job done in record time.

Of course, it’s important to attend your CAD vendor’s training sessions to know what buttons to press and in which order. However, these training sessions often don’t go into enough detail on the “do’s and don’ts” of 3D modeling that can either speed up your momentum or trip you up and block your progress.

Whether you are transitioning from 2D CAD, are an experienced 3D veteran or brand new to CAD altogether, the tips in “Mastering 3D Modeling” will set you up for success!

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