EON Reality Launches EON-XR 10.5

EON-XR 10.5 provides interactive learning and is designed to boost user engagement, EON Reality says.

EON-XR 10.5 provides interactive learning and is designed to boost user engagement, EON Reality says.

New Xperience Workflow from EON Reality enhances the user’s learning journey. Image courtesy of EON Reality.

EON Reality has released EON-XR 10.5. This latest update brings greater functionality with new features like the New Xperience Workflow, Support Assistant, added language support, and head-mounted display (HMD) improvements.

New Xperience Workflow from EON Reality enhances the user’s learning journey with a structured course. It is divided into four phases:

  1. Lecture Phase: Learners passively absorb information as the avatar explains topics, interacting with 3D models, videos, and other content.
  2. Engagement Phase: Learners can ask questions based on an explanation. Artificial intelligence (AI)-generated posed questions allow for more understanding.
  3. Assessment Phase: Comprehension is tested through quizzes, Socratic assessments, and Jeopardy-style evaluations.
  4. Session Feedback Phase: A radar chart, summary, detailed report, and custom feedback on strengths and areas of improvement are given.

The Support Assistant, an AI-Powered Bug Reporting tool, improves the user experience by allowing users to report issues directly. Through guided conversation, it helps document the problem in detail.

EON-XR 10.5 also expands with the addition of new language support, providing a customized and localized experience for EON-XR users. The update includes support for Gujarati, Tamil, and Brazilian Portuguese.

The EON-XR update brings enhanced functionality to the HMD app with usability, accessibility, and interface improvements.

“With the launch of EON-XR 10.5, we’ve taken a crucial stride towards revolutionizing the immersive learning landscape. This update goes beyond mere improvement—it thrusts users into an enhanced reality where critical thinking, contextual application of knowledge, and deep environmental engagement become the keystones of the learning experience,” says Dan Lejerskar, chairman of EON Reality.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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