OMNIS—Solving Your Toughest Industry Challenges

An end-to-end CAE environment from design to analysis and optimization.

An end-to-end CAE environment from design to analysis and optimization.

Image courtesy of NUMECA.

Solving today’s industry challenges requires a global, collaborative approach to the full design process.

However, today’s designers and engineers rely on a large number of different CAE codes and software tools, each with their own interface (GUI), data set-up, structure and format and with no or poor connection between them. This stands in the way of setting up a true multidisciplinary design optimization framework necessary to create a reliable digital twin.

OMNIS™ offers the solution: an end-to-end CAE environment with dedicated tools to solve each step of the simulation process quickly and 

One Environment for Multi-Level High-Fidelity Simulations 

OMNIS™ enables users to run all their simulations in one single environment and to simply change from one physics to another by the click of a button: From simulating external aerodynamics or thermal behavior, to tonal and broadband acoustics, to complex flows with rotating parts,... The unique set of application-dedicated software tools integrated within OMNIS™, can solve any fluid/acoustic flow problem, with the added flexibility of being able to plug in any open source or in-house solver or tool via the API.

Up to 20 Times Faster Than any Other Solution on the Market 

CAD preparation and meshing no longer takes weeks but hours, with OMNIS™/Hexpress and its AutoSeal technology, automatically closing holes and cavities of dirty CAD, and its unique ability to mesh in parallel on distributed memory. Connected to the fastest CFD solvers on the market today, combined with smart optimization software based on AI with UQ, users can evaluate the design envelope faster with results that are more reliable and far cheaper than before.

Learn more about NUMECA solving industry challenges here.

For more information, visit NUMECA.


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